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Over Sleeping

April 25, 2024 9:50 am Published by Leave your thoughts

Oversleeping, also known as hypersomnia, can sometimes be as problematic as not getting enough sleep. Here are some common issues associated with oversleeping and tips on how to address them:

  1. Feeling Grogginess or “Sleep Drunkenness”: Sleeping too much can leave you feeling groggy and disoriented, similar to the feeling of being jet-lagged or having sleep inertia. To combat this, try to maintain a consistent sleep schedule, even on weekends, and avoid sleeping in excessively.
  2. Increased Risk of Health Problems: While insufficient sleep is commonly associated with health issues, oversleeping can also have negative effects on health. It has been linked to obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and even an increased risk of mortality. It’s essential to find a balance and aim for the recommended 6-7 hours of sleep per night for adults.
  3. Mood Changes: Oversleeping can lead to mood changes, including irritability, lethargy, and depression. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and ensuring you’re not sleeping too much can help regulate mood and energy levels.
  4. Impact on Productivity and Daily Routine: Spending excessive time in bed can disrupt your daily routine and reduce productivity. It’s essential to strike a balance between adequate rest and engaging in daily activities and responsibilities.
  5. Underlying Sleep Disorders: Sometimes, oversleeping can be a symptom of underlying sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, or idiopathic hypersomnia. If you consistently find yourself oversleeping despite following good sleep hygiene practices, it may be worth consulting a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
  6. Addressing Lifestyle Factors: Evaluate your lifestyle habits, such as diet, exercise, stress levels, and medication use, as these can all influence your sleep patterns. Making healthy lifestyle choices can contribute to better sleep quality and duration.
  7. Seeking Professional Help: If oversleeping persists despite making lifestyle changes, or if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as excessive daytime sleepiness or difficulty waking up, it’s important to seek guidance from a healthcare provider. They can help identify any underlying issues and provide appropriate treatment or recommendations.

Overall, while it’s important to prioritize sufficient sleep, it’s equally important to avoid oversleeping and strive for a balanced sleep schedule to maintain optimal health and well-being.


Dr Arun Vasudevan
Founder director IDRP


IDRP, TKD Road, Muttada PO, Trivandrum.

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