- By: admin
- August 22, 2024
Chronic Renal Diseases
Renal failure is becoming a major health problem among adults in Kerala, where there is high prevalence of diabetes and hypertension
With the increasing proportion of elderly people and the increasing prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases, chronic renal disease has also become a major health problem in Kerala. With the high burden of diabetes and uncontrolled hypertension, kidney failures are likely to be on the increase.
The presence of CKD increases cardiovascular mortality severalfold. CKD, when not detected or ignored, progresses to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or renal failure, which necessitates renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the form of dialysis or renal transplantation, which are costly.
Kerala has long been known for spectacular feats in the field of health and boasting social development indicators comparable to those of developed countries. But an alarming increase in cases of killer ailments like cancer and kidney and liver diseases is threatening to put its reputation in jeopardy.
About 2,50,000 people in the state undergo cancer treatment, with the addition of at least 42,000 every year, while liver and kidney transplants are becoming more common in specialty hospitals.
While the infrastructure is growing to face this health crisis— specialized hospitals are mushrooming to treat such diseases—experts point out that prevention is the best cure for such killer diseases and that it requires multiple actions, including some adjustments in lifestyle. Here comes the significance of reversal programs.
Rising affluence, changes in lifestyle, new food habits, pesticide residues in food products, obesity, and the rising incidence of diabetes have all contributed in varying degrees to the health crisis.
The World Health Organization has said that around 10 percent of the world population develops kidney problems. But in Kerala, it could be higher, as even teenagers get afflicted with kidney diseases.
The common signs and symptoms associated with renal disease are nausea, fatigue, high blood pressure, swollen legs, itching, muscle cramps, poor appetite, difficulty concentrating, and the passing of foamy urine.
Prevention is better than cure. If you have any of the above signs and are diabetic, immediately enroll in the reversal programs available in your locality. Save your kidneys without drugs.
Dr Arun Vasudevan
Founder director IDRP
IDRP, TKD Road, Muttada PO, Trivandrum.
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Tags: accupressure, best treatment for diabetes, depression, diabetic reversal, heart attack, idrp
Categorised in: Blog
The author of this post is admin.
Tags: #ReversingDiabetes, accupressure, best treatment for diabetes, Chronic Renal Diseases, diabetes hospital, idrp